Yana boa (single)
Yana boa (single)
This is a song from the album 'Opening of the heart'.
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About the song:
This icaro is an Arkana. A protective icaro, in which we summon the spirits of the water (Yacuruna). Dolphins, underwater creatures, fish, anacondas, and of course the large black water boa. She is called Yana Boa. Yacumama is also a name given to her by the indigenous. In Mayantuyacu (the center of Juan Flores) on the banks of the boiling river lies a large stone in the shape of a snake head; The Yacumama. Here the source of the boiling water emerges. The yacumama is the protector of the water. (this song is an arkana of water)
At the beginning of the song we also call out to the power of the Ucayali River, one of the most powerful rivers of the Peruvian rainforest.